Daily Reflections / Finding Joy Everyday / Monday Motivators

Monday Motivators – a Preview

BeSoft.jpgMonday Motivators – A Preview

Yes I realize that today is Tuesday; but I’m too excited to wait.

Beginning June 6th, I’m starting a new blogging event at Rainy Day Reflections called Monday Motivators.  Every Monday, I will share something that motivates me to get through the day, week or even through just an hour.   It may be a quote, a photo or even a recipe.  I hope that you will share what motivates you, also.  **See below for instructions on how to join this new event.

Project Joy

This is part of my Project Joy and Finding Joy Everyday quest.   For just over 150 days, I’ve been posting a photo on Instagram everyday of something that brings me joy.  (You can join me on Instagram at ldjames1.)  You can read my post Finding Joy Everyday to find out how I started on this Finding Joy Everyday journey.  Monday Motivators is the 2nd part of  Project Joy — starting a motivating joy event.

Join Monday Motivators

You can join by emailing me your Monday Motivator by Saturday at 6:00 PM Central time at rainydayreflections2015@gmail.com  If you need help with the time zones,  The World Clock is a great website. (I’m on Dallas time.)

Your Monday Motivator can be a quote, a photo, a recipe — anything that motivates you.

Image size should be low res, so the largest side should be 1000 pixels or less. Let me know if you need help in resizing your images.

Include a link to your blog or website if you want me to link to it.  Note — You don’t have to be a blogger to participate in this event.

Email me at raindayreflections2015@gmail.com if you want a reminder email on Fridays.

Remember — this event begins on June 6th.  You can begin emailing your first Monday Motivators now.  June 4th at 6:00 PM Central time is the deadline for the first Monday Motivator event.


2 thoughts on “Monday Motivators – a Preview

    • He does have some great quotes. I’m glad you want to participate. I’ve never hosted an event; so I appreciate your support. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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