Daily Reflections / Random Thoughts

One Lovely Blog Award


I received the nomination for The One Lovely Blog Award many weeks ago from Lisa over at Rebirth of Lisa.  Lisa, please forgive me for taking so long to accept this award.  We were moving about the time of the nomination and life has been pretty chaotic.  I put it on my to do list and there it stayed for way too long.  I am honored to received this award from another blogger and especially thrilled that someone might consider my little blog “lovely”.

You should check out Lisa’s blog, Rebirth of Lisa, it is amazing.  She’s a terrific blogger and author.  There’s lots to see, read and learn on her blog.  She also hosts the Word Crush Wednesday Quote Challenge.

About the Award

This is what I learned about the award. (The research instinct doesn’t go away just because I no longer work as a librarian.)

The One Lovely Blog Award nominations are chosen by fellow bloggers for those newer or up-and-coming bloggers. The goal is to help give recognition and to also help the new blogger reach more viewers. It also recognizes blogs that are considered to be “lovely” by the fellow-blogger who chose them. This award acknowledges bloggers who share their story or thoughts in a beautiful manner to connect with their viewers and followers. In order to “accept” the award the nominated blogger must follow several guidelines.  (Susie Reece)

The guidelines for the One Lovely Blog Award are:

•Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
•Add the One Lovely Blog Award logo to your post and/or blog.
•Share 7 facts/or things about yourself.
•Nominate 15 bloggers you admire and inform nominees by commenting on their blog.

7 Things About Me

  1. My hubby and I retired early to try to enjoy life rather than working all the time. (No we aren’t rich — just a little crazy.)  I was a teacher and school librarian for 24 years. I still miss the interaction with the kids.
  2. I’ve always lived in a mid-sized city; but we will soon be moving to the country.
  3. In my perfect world, I’d stay up until 3:00 AM every night and sleep until 11:00 AM every morning.
  4. I collect elephants. It started many years ago as a collection of small figurines; now it’s a multiple of sizes of figurines, stuffed animals, books, planters — almost anything elephant related.
  5. I’m hooked on NASCAR and it’s a serious competition around our house. — Carl Edwards is my favorite driver.
  6. I once was in a high school yearbook as the first person in the high school to get an iPhone. Yes, I’m an almost tech nerd. Technology is my thing; but now I only have to keep up with what I like.
  7. I’m a wife, a Mom to 2, a Grams to 3 wonderful boys and owned by 2 adorable Schnauzers.

The Nominees

These are a few of the blogs that have caught my attention lately (and there are so many more waiting).  I enjoyed reading the diverse and interesting posts on these blogs. Thanks bloggers for sharing a little bit of your life with the world.

Drum roll please….

  1. Homemade Naturally
  2. A Thursday’s Child
  3. A Father, Writer, and Logistics Wizard
  4. Eclectic Odds n Sods
  5. Counseling TidBits
  6. One Woman’s Day
  7. Faraday’s Candle
  8. My Journey to Find Me
  9. Lilli’s Cakes
  10. A Useful Soul
  11. Lost Pages of My Note-book
  12. Farewell My Manicure
  13. Kevin Hellriegel’s Blog of Worthless Advice
  14. Maine Forest Cafe

I understand not all of you (those nominated) will not want to add this award to their blogs. And that’s okay!  I’m nominating you because I enjoy your blog.  I believe the purpose of these awards is not only to recognize blogs we like, but to also help share great blogs with others. There are no obligations, and no hard feelings either way.

7 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

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